Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Minor Setback

The past week has been quite eventful. We have been doing some more traveling to villages and had some interesting discussions with them. We have had to tell some villages that the water sources they originally showed us were not going to work for gravity water systems. One village was able to locate a different source that is actually much better hydraulically and has a way larger volume. We will go survey this source during the last two weeks we are here.

We have been mingling with the immersion students. This past Thursday we had 5 of them over to our house along with the directors of the immersion program and Karine and her twin sister. There were 11 people total. We cooked 2 African dishes for the students to try. It was a lot of fun and I think everyone enjoyed it.

Unfortunately, Friday i got sick and Saturday I spent all day at the public doctor with Karine and then some of the immersion leaders and Dr Amin. I had to get blood work done and was diagnosed with malaria. I was given the best of medications tho and have spent the last couple days resting. I am already feeling much better!! The malaria pills are only 6 tablets but are VERY powerful drugs.

The whole thing has opened my eyes to how common malaria is here. Everyone i know here has had malaria multiple times. It is just what happens. Where people get into trouble is if they do not have the funds to purchase all of the medication. A lot of times people will space out the treatments as the money comes in. I was very blessed to be able to purchase everything I needed right away to ensure a speedy recovery.

Next week we will be travelling to 3 different cities with the immersion students and will be gone the entire week. I am quite excited to go site seeing!

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