We visited one village this week, Teke, but were unfortunately not able to get the surveying equipment. So we went and discussed our plans with the village's water committee, tested the water source's flow rate, and gave them a path to clear for when we come to survey. We will go sometime next week to finish the survey.
We have been working on the designs and reports for the previous villages we visited. The first village we are having issues with the lack of water the source is providing and are researching Biosand filters from wells as another option. For 2nd village, it appears they would need a pump (which a wealthy member of the village says he wants, regardless of the price). So we spent Friday in the office analyzing what kind of pump, size of storage tank, how long the pump would have to run and the effects of the pump in the system. Yes a bunch of nerdy stuff. But it was quite fun and challenging.
Last evening, Mark and I were throwing the frisbee in our compound and our neighbor was outside taking laundry off of the line and asked us if we would like a ball to play with. She had never seen a frisbee before and thought we were using something makeshift. It was quite humorous. She eventually agreed to play with us and caught on pretty fast.
We are heading to the market this morning to go shopping then watching Cameroon play. A must win for them. We watched the US match and then the England match very intensely yesterday. It was a lot of fun, despite that goal being taken back ( soooo sad).
Sounds like you are having an awesome time! I can't believe you are actually there, its so cool! I really enjoy hearing about you experiences with the churches. It would be awesome to go to a mass over there! I can you are having a blast and I can't wait to read more!!!! I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Brian